After Factory method, Chapter 4 in the Head First Design Patterns book explains Abstract Factory design pattern.
" The Abstract Factory Pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. "
Both Factory Method and Abstract Factory create objects but the key differences are :
" The Abstract Factory Pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. "
Both Factory Method and Abstract Factory create objects but the key differences are :
- Factory Method create objects through inheritance, that is you need to extend a class and override a factory method. Whereas Abstract Factory create through object composition, it provide an abstract type for creating a family of products. Subclasses of this type create products. To use the Abstract Factory , you instantiate one and pass it into some code that is written against the abstract type.
- Factory Method is to just create one Product and each subclass is to decides which concrete class of Product to instantiate. Whereas Abstract Factory provides an abstract interface for creating a family of Products.
- Methods to create products in an Abstract Factory are often implemented with a Factory Method!
In the example code PizzaIngredientFactory is implemented as an Abstract Factory because we need to create family of Products ( the ingredients). PizzaIngredientFactory provides an abstract interface for creating a family of products. The subclasses as 'NYPizzaIngredientFactory' uses factory method like 'createDough()' in an Abstract Factory pattern.
Here is the class diagram of PizzaStoreV2
The c++ code is build using VS2010 IDE. You can download code from here.
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